We believe that community is shaped through partnership.
That’s why BioMed Realty is proud to support these incredible organizations who are paving the way in the Cambridge community.
A highlight of recent partners:
Cambridge ARt Association
Stop by the CAA @ Canal Gallery for rotating exhibits and events. Located at 650 E Kendall Street.
Community Art Center
CAC Teen Public Art Team designed fourteen new planters in Termeer Square.
the Dance Complex
The Dance Complex pop-up in South Plaza and residency at 650 E Kendall Street.
East End House
East End House Welcome Spring Lunch and Party.
Innovators For Purpose
2 Blocks installation now on display in Termeer Square. Stop by and reflect on what a difference two blocks can make from Kendall Square and the rest of Cambridge.
Lab Central Ignite
BioMed Realty was proud to host the first annual bioDiversity Awards Dinner.